The National Police Memorial (NPM) is conceived as an ode to our Policemen, who fight on country’s borders, terrorism, militancy and crime while maintaining law & order, protecting national assets, combating disasters and other emergencies. It is a place for remembrance with gratitude and for quite reflection. The Police in India is the first agency of the Government to respond to any need of the people. Be it terrorist or insurgent attacks, normal crimes, law and order situations, natural and man-made disasters or provision of emergency humanitarian assistance, the Police is always at the forefront. Police forces around the country thus provide the most fundamental duty of a government towards its citizens, that of providing a peaceful environment to enable all members of society to live meaningful lives. In meeting these challenges, police officers lay down their lives and perforce neglect the demands of their own families. Since Independence, over 34,842 (upto August, 2018) police men and women have sacrificed their lives, more than any other department of the Government. Every year, on an average, 450 Policemen lay down their lives in the line of duty.
The NPM site is at the crest of Shantipath, at Pandit Uma Shanker Dixit Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. Every object associated with the National Police Memorial would inspire the citizens and educate them about the bravery of police. The memorial underlines the vision to accord maximum respect to Indian Police who played a vital role in nation building.
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